Potent Products Disclaimer
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Computers are machines setup to the individual preferences of the owner and operated according to their knowledge level. Although every effort is made to make information understandable to all, PotentProducts.com cannot and will not, be held responsible for the use of, results of, or implementation, of any programs or information described, provided or recommended, at this site.
If you follow any Instruction, Tutorials or install any Programs listed, available or recommended at this site, and you experience improvements, then pat yourself on the back for a job well done.
If you experience problems, then let us know and we will help you if we can. That is limit of our responsibility.
Software and Scripts are based on personal use with the various versions of Windows 9x and/or a *nix Server running Apache 1.3.20 or greater. Some evaluations are also based on the comments or personal experience of others and partly on the following:
- will not screw things up
- does it work as Advertised
- how useful it is - really
- the learning curve required to use it
- how well it works with Windows 9x or Unix/Linux
At PotentProducts.com, we receive satisfaction in knowing we can provide or recommend, good programs & services to help people improve their quality of life—with computers anyway.
This includes day-to-day use of their computer, anything Web site related or using the Internet in general. We are also proud to state, this site can and will, provide assistance to anyone experiencing problems with anything "Potent Product Approved" and listed or recommended at this site.
If you're OK with these details and can live with the restrictions, then let's get started!